🇻🇳 VN: rDPX v2

🇻🇳 VN: rDPX v2

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About rDPX v2

We managed to release before old mate finished Game of Thrones

If you think you have an above average-sized brain, refer to the rDPX v2 System Specification.

rDPX v2 allows $rDPX holders to bond with $ETH in exchange for $rtETH, a yield-bearing synthetic derivative of $ETH.

The system exists for three reasons:

  1. For $rDPX holders, it provides utility for their long-forgotten token.
  2. For Dopex users, it creates a secondary incentive system for using the protocol
  3. For Dopex, it bootstraps PoL while being used to drive liquidity.

The parties that can get involved with rDPX v2 can be summarised as follows:

Why would I do this?
$rDPX and $ETH
Standard Bonding
Receive $rtETH (and its yield)
I like yield and I don’t mind holding synthetic $ETH
$rDPX only
Delegate Bonding
Receive $rtETH (and its yield)
I do not have $ETH but I like yield and I don’t mind holding synthetic $ETH
$ETH only
Delegate Bonding
Receive $rtETH (and its yield)
I do not have $rDPX but I like yield and I don’t mind holding synthetic $ETH
$ETH only
Perpetual Put Vault
Receive yield (and don’t mind purchasing $rDPX if its price falls)
I like yield and I don’t mind holding $rDPX
Receives dbrDPX for losses
I get dbrDPX I can used to bond

*note that rebates are not yet live

Please feel free to peruse the following articles that explore the v2 mechanics in /relatively/ simply terms!
