Company Report - Nu York Edition. Cordial welcome to any new followers we may have. We look forward to sharing this journey with you. Groppa

After another tough week of corporate affairs, the Easter long weekend is truly a blessing.

What did the CEO do on this fine weekend, I hear you ask? The same thing I do every year, spend time with my lovely family at our annual Easter potluck. This year, the CEO brought a red curry made from scratch. The aromas of lemongrass, shrimp paste and coconut milk, you’d best believe the family was blown away! See here for said recipe - note that I did substitute Thai Red Chilis for Nu Red Chileenises to give it that extra kick.


Enough about the CEO, I would like to learn how YOUR Easter long weekend has gone. Fill out this form if you would like to tell me about how you spent your time and any lessons that you may have learned. The CEO promises to read each and every one of your responses.

Administrative Updates

As outlined in the previous Company Report, the Gen 2 pledge was a huge success and Gen 2 Diamond Pepes are well on their way with a mint date to be announced shortly.

Our beloved intern TzTok has also provided the general logic for Gen 2 Dueling which you can read below:


Block, punch, oos oos, pow pow, and a special to finish - those nefarious dueler’s don’t stand a chance against the CEO’s battle prowess. Looking at you, so-called “Witherking”.

Thankfully, those dreaded administrative updates are short this fine week so let’s jump straight into what all my loyal Employees have been waiting for - the Achievements of the Week!

1. Nu York

The CEO has been working tirelessly with Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd. upper management to organize the spectacle you have all been waiting for - the long awaited Nu York which will be live at 0:00 EDT!

Which billboard, I hear you ask? 40.7564° N, 73.9865° W - punch those digits in and bask in the glory of our most exquisite institution.

In the interim several Employees have flooded the city and increased the sex appeal of the populace by an order of magnitudes.


Any visit to Nu York is incomplete without a tour of Central Park. The bustle of office-folk and the meandering of tourists creates a scenic interplay between work and relaxation. Keep on paddling, Rasta Nu, there are more sights to be seen!


Katz’s Delicatessen is a true Nu York institution and their Pastrami sandwich is truly second to none. Layers of juicy pastrami encapsulated in toasted rye bread - give the CEO a minute to mop up his drool before the council has to issue a flood warning. Mouthwatering is an understatement.


And what Nu York trip is complete without a visit to the Statue of Nuberty?

America is truly a beautiful sight to behold!

2. Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd. corporate Easter egg hunt

With the Easter long weekend, Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd. engaged in our annual Easter egg hunt. As the Employees were sleeping, the CEO spent some time hiding Easter eggs around the Company yard.


The winner? That damn sexy Nunuchungeenis!


He can’t keep getting away with this.


This flagrant abuse of justice aside, we wish everyone that celebrates a happy Easter - from the Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd. family to yours!

3. Diamond Pepes-Sami rekindled relationship

The feud between the CEO and those devious Sami’s culminated in the formation of the Depths of Hell, a dedicated channel assigned to holders of those heretical NFTs. Here they were subject to an onslaught of abuse by The Most Esteemed in an attempt to change their ways.


After solemn reflection underpinned by the message of Easter, the CEO has taken this opportunity to not just forgive those Sami’s, but to ask for forgiveness in return. Read here for the CEO’s thoughts on forgiveness.


Pizza night with the Company’s newfound friends? Hopefully the first of many to come.

Parting Words

Thank you all for taking the time to have a read through my Company Reports. The CEO appreciates each and every one of you.

For those that are unaware, Diamond Pepes Pty Ltd. actually has a side project known as “Dopex”, which is short for “Decentralized Options Exchange”.

Dopex is a platform that allows users to trade “options” in a decentralized manner through the use of blockchain technology. For those that would be interested, feel free to read through the following links:

As always, a booba, a groppa, and a nueenis until next time, my beautiful Employees.

Yours faithfully,


CEO of Diamond Pepes



About Dopex

Dopex is a decentralized options protocol that aims to maximize liquidity, minimize losses for option writers and maximize gains for option buyers — all in a passive manner. Dopex uses option pools to allow anyone to earn a yield passively. Offering value to both option sellers and buyers by ensuring fair and optimized option prices across all strike prices and expiries. This is thanks to our own innovative and state-of-the-art option pricing model that replicates volatility smiles.

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